Thanks for joining us today here at Fresh's Workshop. If you are a first-time visitor, WELCOME. If you have been here before, THANKS for coming back. This is the spot where we build and repair all kinds of cool stuff, along with making a ton of saw dust. (Man Glitter.) Last time in the Workshop, we made a few nice baskets for our Orchids. ORCHID BASKETS (Click on the link to see that episode) Before we begin today's project, let's take a moment and talk about shop safety: Be sure to read, understand and follow all of the safety rules that come with your power tools. Knowing how to use your power tools properly will greatly reduce the risk of personal injury. And remember this, there is no greater safety rule than to wear safety glasses. Today, we are going to build a Seed Starting/Plant Stand, that will go up against our bedroom window. "But Fresh, it's the middle of October. Why are you starting seeds now?" Because we live in Florida where it is alwa...