Thanks for joining us today here at Fresh's Workshop. If you are a first-time visitor, WELCOME. If you have been here before, THANKS for coming back.

This is the spot where we build and repair all kinds of cool stuff, along with making a ton of saw dust. (Man Glitter.)

Last time in the Workshop, we made a table out of plywood for our Florida Room.

PLYWOOD END GRAIN TABLE (Click on the link to see that episode)

Before we begin today's project, let's take a moment and talk about shop safety:
Be sure to read, understand and follow all of the safety rules that come with your power tools. Knowing how to use your power tools properly will greatly reduce the risk of personal injury. And remember this, there is no greater safety rule than to wear safety glasses.

Today in the shop we are making a Menu Board like we see at local eateries.

As you know, my wife and I host a luncheon every month for her Master Gardener Group. We thought it would be cool to show the folks the lunch menu as they enter the venue for the meeting.

Now, I had planned to make this a surprise for the monthly meeting (OCT) but Hurrican Milton showed up and they had to cancel. SO premiere month will be next month. 

Let's show you how it all came to be.

I wanted to make this menu board from what lumber I had on hand. 

(I am not cheap; I just have a ton of spare lumber laying around.)

I started with some 3/4 plywood. The surface was not suitable for a chalk board. (Even with some sanding) But, I also found some cabinet grade 1/4 ply, so I decided to use the 3/4 for strength and glue the thin ply on top.
First coat of chalk paint.
Here is what I used.
Third coat of chalk paint.

Now we can turn our attention to the frame. You can buy something at the home center or make one like I did.

I had a ton of old 2x4's laying around the shop and started cutting them up.

I played around with some different sizes until I found what I liked. I then made a bunch of pieces.

I know, my saw is a mess. Shame on me.

ooohh --- out of focus, but you get the idea, Sanding time.

Now I can get my 45-degree cutting jig out, so cut the angled corners.
If you cut one 45 from the right and the other 45 from the left, you get a perfect fit.

I glued the corners after clamping in my 45-degree clamps.

To reinforce the corners, I predrilled for a couple of nails in each corner
How about another coast of Chaulk Paint?

I placed a layer of glue on the large piece of plywood then laid the painted thin layer on top. I weighted it down to dry.
Now, I am filling in some of the wood defects with wood putty.
On to the back support
Damnit, learn how to FOCUS...... Gee whiz.
Again, I am using some stuff I had on hand. Trimmed the rounded edges and cut to length. A few screws secured the back.
Let's install a couple of hinges on the top.

Yes, I KNOW I spelled 'gravy' incorrectly. (It was a joke)

All I need to do now, is to paint the frame.
I also added some chain to allow the menu back to open.

I noticed after I painted the frame that some white 'specs' got onto the black plywood, so I masked it off and gave it another coat of Chaulk paint.

You may have noticed the 'doll' on top of the board. We found this 'Moe Howard' doll at a junk shop in Gainesville. ($4.00) Penny thought I could use it. And she was right. (As usual.) 

I ran a stiff wire up where the sun doesn't shine and put the other end in a hole drilled on top of the board. (no picture needed)

Ok, you talked me into it.


I secured the wire with a bit of Hot Glue.

And there you have it.... We can now announce each month's menu as people enter the building for their monthly meeting.

So, what did it cost? Well, as I mentioned, the Three Stooges Doll was 4 bucks. I had the wood, chain, screws, paint and hinges on hand. The only other expense was the Chaulk Paint. I bought a quart for about 20 bucks.

(I have a ton of paint left over, if you need it)

I think it will be a nice addition to our presentation.

And the food we serve ain't half bad either.

Coming up next in Fresh's workshop.

a) Planting a Green Stalk with Strawberry plants

b) A new handle for Penny's Big Green Egg.

c) An Orchid basket made from Cedar.

Depending on how busy I get, it will be a, b or c.

If you would like a Menu Board of your very own, just send $999.00 to Fresh's Workshop. (Moe doll NOT included)

Be sure to visit some of my other blogs:




DISCLAIMER The information contained here is for ENTERTAINMENT purposes only. Working with woodworking tools can be dangerous. The user of these tools should have a basic knowledge of woodworking and be familiar with the proper use and safety precautions associated with these tools. Always wear appropriate personal protective equipment, such as safety glasses, ear protection, and a dust mask. Always use the tool in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and guidelines. Always maintain a safe and organized work area.

God Speed Mother Nature


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